Nadezhda Babkina presents the Russian national show on ice “the BIRD of HAPPINESS”
Дата проведения: From July 15th to August 31st
Начало в 19:30

The show “Bird of Happiness” is an original synthesis of diverse Russian national culture and figure skating of the highest class, for implementation of which the theatrical scene turns into a skating rink.
The universal high-tech scenic complex becomes the arena of show.
Authors of the project addressed to the sources of the Russian national culture which are singing, ceremonial, dancing ones. The spectators will see fascinating history about immemorial search of happiness and overcoming obstacles on the way to it.
The Russian nature becomes “scenery” of human life: heroes face severe winter frosts, gold dresses of fall, boundless summer meadows and exciting aromas of blossoming spring.
There will be a singing about harvesting in the fall, on Christmas and the Christmas-tide to go round carol-singing, for Maslenitsa and Ivan Kupala – to drive round dances and to have fun.
More than hundred actors participate in the representation : staff of Russian Song theater, actors of Theatre of ice miniatures, the majority from which are masters of sports in figure skating. Fancy exclusive suits are specially designed for the project.
Tickets can be purchased at the theatre: Olimpiisky prospect, 14
Or by calling: +7 (499) 681-34-10